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Ancient biographies
biblical authority
my debate with anuj agaral
Oral Cultural Studies
textual critical arguments of bart ehrman
The authorship of the gospels
The Birth Narratives
The Crucifixion Narratives
the emphasis of mark
a textual critical analysis of Hebrews 2:9
A textual critical analysis of mark 1:41
Biologos on the literary style of genesis 1-11
does known physics preclude distant starlight within the biblical timescale?
faulty interpretations of exodus 20:11 (part 1)
faulty interpretations of exodus 20:11 (part 2)
faulty interpretations of exodus 20:11 (part 3)
faulty interpretations of exodus 20:11 (part 4)
faulty interpretations of exodus 20:11 (part 5)
when the saints go marching in (Matthew. 27:51-54)
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